B.Obata. Born and raised in California, educated in San Francisco, Annapolis, Santa Fe, the streets of Flint Michigan, G. Village, D.C., and then gritty studios of College of Marin, then MFA, Oakland. Traveled through many of the 50 states for shorter and longer times.
Desired occupation as a child: hobo, intermediate occupation: cubicle work, now: instructor.
Most beloved philosopher: previously Kierkegaard, currently Aristotle.
Most beloved scientist: R Sapolsky

Started out with the pencil as a satisfying transport for rolling around on the rind of the world. As a rendering tool, the pencil provides forgiveness as well as tracers. And it can be found anywhere, available to anyone, to express anything.
In recent years, extending drawing into additional mediums: collaboration, clay, wood, words, instruction, paint