Maybe you thought that was tripe: love thy enemy. But what an idea. How do you do that anyway? In this experiment you can give it a try. Who have you bothered to hate lately? So that’s Experiment #12: Love Thy Enemy. Masticate on this saying for awhile, then make a response.
Making something might mean making amends. Making an apology. An act of forgiveness. Let’s posit for a moment, a recent previous president. Maybe he was just a guy with a dream. Yes. A lot of people died at the time. And a lot of people suffered. No doubt he contributed to that–but wasn’t the sole cause. It would’ve just taken a few of the right actions to stop him. So — no. He didn’t do it all by himself.
Try it on this way: say you ask one of these religious teachers, “I waste a lot of time hating George — any way to get over that?”. And then the religious teachers tells you: “Kid. We are all George. No, I don’t mean like George — I mean we are George. ” So, you chew on that for several years. Maybe now you’re ready to put yourself in George’s shoes. just for a couple of minutes.
So that’s the experiment. Maybe you already have an obvious and ready answer. Upload under “Participate” on the right — if you want!